%{help=set}%{+n} ### %bset%b [value] changes the values of internal settings of the bot, or, if used without a value parameter, shows the current value of a setting. the bot starts out with settings as given in the configuration file. here are the variables eggdrop cares about: %{cols=4} mod-path nat-ip dcc-flood-thr die-on-sighup die-on-sigterm remote-boots max-dcc max-logs enable-simul protect-telnet ident-timeout share-unlinks allow-dk-cmds botnet-nick help-path temp-path userfile motd notify-newusers admin owner my-hostname my-ip network save-users-at switch-logfiles-at connect-timeout reserved-port log-time require-p keep-all-logs open-telnets firewall console default-flags whois-fields hourly-updates username ignore-time uptime version numversion telnet-flood %{end} use %b'.help set '%b for more info on each variable. %{+n}